Proceed with caution if you need to make a video longer than 12 minutes.Engagement will hold steady from 6 to 12 minutes, but every moment will count from 2 to 6 minute mark if you want viewers to watch a video to the end.Every moment counts between 6 to 12 minutes.Viewer engagement loss levels off after 6 minutes.Longer videos of 6 to 12 minutes is the second sweet spot.My thoughts – Not all videos can be done in a few minutes, so think about continuing in a new view, such as part one, part two and so on. Wistia notes only 70 percent or viewers are watching two minutes, after that point, second counts.If you don’t deliver what you need in the first two minutes, it could be viewers will miss the information as they have already stopped watching.Every moment counts when you have something to say.30 second video will hold viewer’s attention about the same as a two minutes video. Two minute videos are the best length if you want viewers to get the full message.No more than Two Minutes, First video sweet spot.Here’s what Wistia has to say about viewer engagement and video length from their 2016 report: (See details from original source at Wistia website.) 30 seconds to 2 minutes

Wistia,, an online web hosting service for business want to host videos and receive as much data as possible about videos, allowing for information about when viewers stop watching and other important viewer information. Less is always more, almost always for video.

Learn more about this iPhone video shot at Isle Royale National Park.